And for knitting, I modified it just a little. I will update these with examples of them filled out.
6 years ago
Easter makes me think of hats. The ladies used to consider a fine hat to be an essential part of their wardrobe. Not so much anymore. It seems to take a special occasion or Derby party to bring out the hats here in southern Indiana. Watching Downton Abbey one can't help but admire the hats and how elegant the ladies look wearing them. Here is a sneak peek at a hat I designed in a Downton frame of mind.
Praying Mantis guarding the indigo. I think she looks like an alien from another planet. |
The Indigo blossoms are starting to dry. |
A closeup view of the drying flower heads shows the blossoms close up as they dry and the seed forms in the center. |
I plucked off one of the dried flowers to see how far along the seeds have developed. |
After rubbing off the dried husk, one tiny indigo seed emerges. |
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